

创建时间:  2021/07/09  康蕊   浏览次数:   

李 江 研究员




李江,男,1977年12月生,工学博士,研究员,博士生导师。现任现任中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所透明陶瓷研究中心副主任,美国陶瓷学会期刊《International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology》副主编、《Magnetochemistry》国际编委、《无机材料学报》编委、《功能材料与器件学报》编委、中国激光杂志社、《中国稀土学报》(中、英文版)、《人工晶体学报》、《发光学报》和《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》等期刊的青年编委。目前主要从事光功能透明陶瓷的基础与应用研究。受邀在国内外重要学术会议上作主题和邀请报告52次(10余次担任分会主席)。以项目负责人承担国家重点研发计划国际合作重点项目、JPPT项目、JG863项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中国科学院前沿科学重点项目、装发预研公用技术项目等20余项。迄今发表具有影响力的学术论文356篇,合著(译)学术专著3部,参与2部英文专著部分章节的撰写。








迄今在J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,Scr. Mater., Phys. Rev. Applied等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文356篇(其中SCI收录290余篇,第一作者及通讯作者210余篇);合著科学出版社专著《高温结构陶瓷研究浅论》和《先进光功能透明陶瓷》2部;合译高等教育出版社专著《发光材料》1部;参与2部英文专著Modern Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry(Elsevier出版社)和《Processing of Ceramics: Breakthroughs in Optical Materials》(Wiley出版社)部分章节的撰写;申请中国发明专利40余项(其中授权近20项)


1、潘裕柏,李江,姜本学.先进光功能透明陶瓷[M].北京:科学出版社,2013. ISBN 9787030379528.

2、陈昊鸿,李江.《发光材料》(译著).高等教育出版社,2019年11月 第一版 320千字(32万字),ISBN:978-7-04-052656-1.

3、Jiang Li, Xiaopu Chen, Martin Nikl. Chapt. 3. Scintillators. In:Processing of Ceramics: Breakthroughs in Optical Materials (AkioIkesue, eds).Wiley, 2021, P73-141.

4、Dianjun Hu, Xiaoying Li, Ilya Snetkov, Alexey Yakovlev, Stanislav Balabanov, Maxim Ivanov, Xin Liu, Ziyu Liu, Feng Tian, Tengfei Xie, Oleg Palashov,Jiang Li*. Fabrication, microstructure and optical characterizations of holmium oxide (Ho2O3) transparent ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2021, 41(1): 759-767.

5、Dianjun Hu, Xiaoying Li, Ilya Snetkov, Alexey Yakovlev, Stanislav Balabanov, Maxim Ivanov, Xin Liu, Ziyu Liu, Feng Tian, Tengfei Xie, Oleg Palashov,Jiang Li*. Fabrication, microstructure and optical characterizations of holmium oxide (Ho2O3) transparent ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2021, 41(1): 759-767.

6、Kang Qian, Yubai Pan*, Zewang Hu, Xiaopu Chen, Yun Shi, Xin Liu, Haohong Chen, Martin Nikl,Jiang Li*. Influence of co-doped alumina on the microstructure and radioluminescence of SrHfO3:Ce ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2020, 40(2): 449-455.

7、Yagang Feng, Guido Toci, Angela Pirri, Barbara Patrizi, Zewang Hu, Jiabei Wei, Hongming Pan, Xing Zhang, Xiaoying Li, Sha Su, Matteo Vannini,Jiang Li*. Fabrication, microstructure and optical properties of Yb:Y3ScAl4O12transparent ceramics with different doping levels.J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2020, 103(1): 224-234.

8、Xiaoying Li, Qiang Liu, Xin Liu, Xiaopu Chen, Lexiang Wu, Tengfei Xie, Yun Shi, Haohong Chen,Jiang Li*. Novel (Tb0.99Ce0.01)3Ga5O12magneto-optical ceramics for Faraday isolators.Script. Mater., 2020, 177: 137-140.

9、Ziyu Liu, Akio Ikesue,Jiang Li.Research progress and prospects of rare-earth doped sesquioxide laser ceramics.J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2021,41: 3895-3910.

10、Xiaoying Li, Qiang Liu, Xin Liu, Danyang Zhu, Dianjun Hu, Feng Tian, Lexiang Wu, Zhaoxiang Yang, Tengfei Xie, Haohong Chen,Jiang Li*.Sintering parameter optimization of Tb3Al5O12magneto-optical ceramics by vacuum sintering and HIP post-treatment.J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,2020,doi: 10.1111/jace.17628.

